by Debra Sweet

Greg Allen, who defended himself pro se last month in Brooklyn on a charge of disorderly conduct, got his decision today.  The judge dismissed the charges after the prosecution phase, and will give a written opinion tomorrow.  This means he did not find the prosecution had made a case against Greg.  The judge also said he expects the prosecution to appeal.

Defense lawyers for the other 12 moved that their charges be dropped, since the facts of the cases are identical to Greg's, and everything is on NYPD's videotape. The judge agreed to let us see his decision before proceeding with trials, which will be on February 7 and February 14.  We presume that a trial for 3 of the defendants set for December 12 will also be moved back.

Congratulations to Greg!  This is something to really celebrate at the party tomorrow night.  Come out and help honor the new freedom fighters and Constance Graham, mother of Rahmarley, and Nicole Paultre Bell, widow of Sean Bell, for their leadership in the struggle against police murder and abuse.

End stop-and-frisk and STOP mass incarceration!

P.S.  I hear baked goods/desserts are still needed for tomorrow night.  Doors open 6:30 pm.  Write [email protected] if you can help.
1/13/2013 08:23:28 pm

I really congratulate Greg as he is free from all the charges. You have indeed a great future ahead. Best of luck.


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