Long lines a la Disneyland as 100s of Black and Latino youth go through step 2 of the new jim crow at Brooklyn Criminal Court. step 3 a big fine and/or rikers. [Randy Credico photo]
Today seven defendants in the Brooklyn stop-and-frisk protest case were told to return once again, April 4, for the judge to consider, and likely grant, our motion for dismissal of disorderly conduct charges "in the interest of justice."  The judge who said weeks ago she would dismiss charges if the DA had no additional evidence against the defendants was not in court. 

The DA, however, said he "may" have more evidence against seven remaining defendants based on an "online" search.  Other than reports of people participating in a non-violent civil disobedience action on November 1, 2011 at the 73rd Precinct, there is nothing that could prove them guilty of disorderly conduct.

9:30 am at 120 Schermerhorn on Thursday, April 4, we will demand that the remaining charges be finally dropped, after fifteen appearances in this court.  It wasn't lost on us that April 4 is the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King; we spent a lot of the day talking about the police murder of Kiki Gray in Brooklyn, and the righteous protests surrounding it. 

Tomorrow, come out to Bronx Criminal Court for a hearing in the case against the NYPD officer who killed Ramarley Graham last February.

Wednesday, Noche Diaz goes to trial, also in The Bronx. 

3/20/2013 06:55:07 am

Unfortunately, it's happening all over the world. Look at these statistics comparing stop-and-frisk in NYC to stop-and-search in London: voc.tv/138jHKd


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